How to Beat Small Stakes No-Limit Hold'em Players
Who Segregate Chips © 2017 by M. Mitch Freeland Some players will segregate their buy-in from winnings. You will see this commonly in the small stacks games. For instance, when a novice player buys-in for two hundred and after playing for two or three hours finally getting lucky and winning a healthy pot putting him ahead in the session, he will now separate his winning from his profit. Sometimes he will place his buy-in in a chip rack in front of him (some casinos allow players to play from a chip rack), and keep his winnings on the felt. He may also stack his winnings on top of his buy-in in a way indicating that the chips are winnings. Whenever you see this activity it is a good time to bluff and bet over the about of his winnings. For example: if your opponent is finally up $43 with a total effective stack of $243 ($200 his original buy-in) and you have a hand that is a good semi-bluff hand (straight, flush or weak pair) bet over $43 if you want your opponent to fold. This is especially true if your opponent has been playing for a while and has been playing conservatively. If he has separated his buy-in from his current profit, he will be most unwillingly going to risk being in the red again for a hand that may not be strong enough to stand a raise. If your opponent has been playing for several hours and has finally gotten ahead and has segregated his buy-in, it is now time to bet or put in a raise that will put a portion of his buy-in chips at risk. This is a good bluffing opportunity. It is even better as a semi-bluff. Remember, if it has taken your opponent all night to get winner, he will be reluctant to dip into his buy-in on a mediocre hand or draw. Players who segregate chips is a reliable tell, so pay attention to players organizing their chips. To learn more about winning and uncovered tells in poker, get your copy of Poker Tells and Body Language: How to Substantially Improve Your Income by Studying Your Opponents Mannerisms and Eccentricities, now available at Who do you know who needs to improve their Poker game? Know anybody who dreams of making GOOD money playng No-Limit Texas Hold'em? Steer them to and his breakthrough book, "The Small Stakes Poker Hustle." Also, get your FREE book, "Mini Goals Huge Results."
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